Talk to us!

You can:

Try leaving us a voicemail at 720-810-2281 (we probably won't get back to you for a bit)


Email us questions, answers, and death threats. We'll most likely EVENTUALLY get back with you.
Seriously, we love to talk at people.

Otherwise, read, comment, facebook, tweet (TeamKrusti), or just concentrate really hard and maybe we'll receive your brainwaves.


  1. Great Blog!! Yes, for every up there is a down. What a manic world. I learned how to paint pictures by looking at the space between objects. Remember, silence was god's first language. Be in the presence of silence and well...
    Try to eat more sushi and less cheeze fries.
    Get really good jerki and protein bars.Keep me posted and stay safe............lovya,UJ

  2. Hello from Michigan, it's Sally & Wayne - the honeymoon couple from the Denali bus. We're enjoying your blog and jealous of your continued adventures :o) Keep having (and saving!) fun!!

  3. Just letting you two know that I am on fact reading your posts and sending good prayers your way. Keep writing and I'll keep reading. Much love guys.

  4. Betty Ann Broadway ( Grandma )July 21, 2010 at 1:27 PM

    Thanks for the recent blog. I enjoy knowing what is going on and just hearing from you. My prayers are sent up for Team Krusti everyday. Take care of each other and let me know how I can help. Love Grandma

  5. Hey there, sent you a couple emails with my digits. Laura passed your info on and said you might need some connects on your trip. I'm in Reno and if you guys want a place to crash and shower, you are welcome.



  6. WHY DIDN't MY COMMENT SHOW UP? Maybe I just don't see it. Love 2 you Team Krusti!
    From your cousin Amye & Family

  7. hey team krusti!
    so so so glad you ended up sitting in my section! it was lovely to meet you and even lovelier to share my home with you. I wish you all the best on this journey and the even-more-grand journey of life. please please please let me know if anything sends you my way again.
    take care! happy and safe cycling!
    Jessica in Eureka

  8. from your friend siobhan,
    first of all i suck. i just know looked @ your blog for the first time. i read the whole thing in one sitting and ive never been prouder to call the both of you my friends. imiss your beautiful faces. let me know what your eta for san fran is i might be able to fly out. i love krusti
