Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Insomniatic Passions

Insomnia isn't what I would call a passion, but it can be very inspirational. While laying (lying? I never learned that grammar rule) in bed, mind racing for no known reason, I began to think of what it means to have passions. Life seems to be a constant search for those little experiences that wake up your enthusiasm. It's impossible to tell what yours may be until you actually take part in it. Every passion is unique to its host, and just because others are passionate about, say, marathon running or snail collecting, does not mean that those activities will speak to anyone else. There is nothing like the thrill that comes from finding and practicing your passions.

For me there is nothing like the distinct euphoric high that good company, wonderful food, and delicious beer conspire to create. Sometimes I feel like this combination could actually be a substitute for morphine, and perhaps I will become addicted to dinner parties. My bicycle is another source of addictive euphoria leading to a dangerously delicious sense of joie de vivre. The smell of fresh air and the thrill of absolute freedom on my bicycle make me beam. The only downside of this smile-inducing thrill is getting bugs stuck in my teeth.

The key with passions, I suppose, is letting them be. It is so tempting to overthink our passions, to complicate them on a constant quest for an even better, more enjoyable experience. Instead, it is important to simply enjoy the enjoyment of the thing that resonates in your soul. Don't try to complicate matters because that euphoria can be a slippery thing that wriggles away when there is too much pressure. So here is to finding and then enjoying our passions, and also to trying new things. Who knows? Maybe your passion is collecting snails, too!


  1. Man I'm glad you two are having a blast. That was a very good post. I'll keep reading. Also, insects can be a decent source of protein.

  2. AHHHH ERASED MY COMMENT AGAIN!! Some secrect force somewhere is NOT Wanting me to give you my thoughts! LOL Aaaannyway, I'm SO GLAD Y'all are enjoying your trip & "living in the moment"!! We think about & pray for you when I put Noah to bed.Well I think about you other times lol, but that's when we pray TOGETHER. So that's what I meant! LOL
    LOVE & LIGHT ~ Amye
