Friday, August 13, 2010

Two Months, Two Years, Two-Four

Yesterday was the anniversary of beginning our trip it's also Rusti's twenty-fourth birthday, which is also the anniversary of Team Krusti uniting! Two months down, who knows how many more to go. In the past two months we have camped or couchsurfed every single night. The most adventurous part of adventure cycling is finding where you'll sleep that night. Sometimes it's another 10k (we've been in Canada too long, 10k = 6 miles), all hills, to get to the free campground in the middle of town, only to have a lone First Nations man chant over you in the middle of the night. Sometimes you ask for a recommendation to eat dinner and get offered a bed. In any case, we've done this about 60 times in the past two months. So after 10 days straight on the bicycle we justified shacking up at the Clinton Nomad motel. It's a very reasonable fee to stay, there's television and wifi, clean bathrooms and best of all we can shut the door and it's all ours.

This we did. We shut the curtains, shed our clothes and frolicked around this space that we totally privately all ours. We turned up the A/C, turned on the TV, stuck things in the fridge, took multiple showers and drank multiple cups of coffee and used the room up to it's fullest potential. Then we went out to dinner, drank a bottle of wine, and came home to turn on the TV and lie in bed. It was delicious. The outdoors has its place, but it is nice to be inside sometimes.

Well, with two months under our belts we are pumping up the hills, pouring on the miles, and taking on new challenges. We're going strong. We learn new things about ourselves everyday. But mostly, we just ride our bikes sometimes.

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