Friday, September 24, 2010

What a few days of rest can do...

Both Rusti and I have been feeling a little worn as of late. It feels as though even our "rest" days are filled with errands or sightseeing and the time passes before we know where it went. Thankfully, we both got sick - har har har. After spending a few days on the mend it became clear that if we are going to finish this trip we have to do it on Krusti time. If we don't feel like going anywhere we don't, when we do, we will. Done. Ahhh freedom, it tastes so sweet.

On a separate note, the exciting thing about cycling down the Oregon coast has been meeting gobs of other cyclists! One night we camped with at least 25 other nutjobs carrying way too much stuff way too far. We partied and swapped cycling tales, with Rusti and I feeling a little like celebrities since we had started in AK and everyone else had started a little up the coast - mainly Vancouver. We did meet two Australian girls who had also started in Anchorage and traveled many of the same roads we had. Yesterday we met two brothers who were from Anchorage and had driven down to just up the road. It turned out that was their very first day on bikes.

It's great to meet all of these other cyclists because it gives some perspective - everyone has their own style and way of doing things. Well that's all for now, time to hit the coast!
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  1. OMG! Once again, I erased my damn comment by trying to choose a "profile"!!! RRRRRR Anyway the jst of it was .....
    I like reading about the other cyclists you meet. It's interesting to me to see the kind of people that have this kind of "drive" (no pun intendead LOL)to have such a HUGE adventure. I LOVE it!! Also I'm glad y'all are deciding to go at yur own pace. It seems like that would deffinately 1 of the benfits to traveling like you guys are. What was dictating your travel? That didn't really make sense (lol) but do ya get what I mean? Well I love ya cuz. Keep on Keepin on. LOL I always remember my Dad saying that. And it FINALLY seemed fitting.

  2. Also, is that wool that your wearing like regular wool? Surely not!
    You: "NO it's NOT and don't call me Shirley" LMAO
